Angelfire (Angelfire Series #1)

Angelfire (Angelfire Series #1) - Just reading blurbs about Angelfire, you get the sense that it is packed full of action. I can honestly tell you, those blurbs were right! Angelfire is action-packed, intense, and emotional...maybe not as emotional as I, or Ellie, would have liked, but still emotional. ;)Courtney did a fabulous job weaving this story together, it’s fluid and so realistic. From the graphic fighting scenes to the raw emotions, Angelfire takes its readers on a roller coaster ride of an adventure. The folklore and all the bad guys in Angelfire were so hardcore! This book seriously had me on my toes constantly, and I wasn’t bored for a second. Plus they had crazy names, and I am a bigtime sucker for crazy names! hahaAlong with the nonstop action and wonderful writing, I loved the characters in this story. Ellie’s progress was remarkable, and as the reader, we see her transform from someone who seems a little spoiled and slightly wimpy to someone so strong. Someone who would do anything to save the people she cares about and to fight against evil. And Will...oh Will, I think that most people who have read Angelfire will agree with me when I say that Will is simply delicious, and he fits mysterious, brooding, and sexy to perfection. His relationship with Ellie was one of my favourite parts of the book, their banter was awesome, and his devotion to her was probably one of the most beautiful things ever. I also loved the fact that he knew so much about her, their past went back so far, and I loved discovering little bits about it through Ellie’s flashbacks. :)While Angelfire does revolve around Angels, I think that it is definitely one of the most unique interpretations of Angels that I’ve read in a long time. It didn’t have a cookie cutter plot, and while I was able to make guesses about what would happen next, it wasn’t in an obvious way. Angelfire was a fresh and exciting take on Angels and Demons, and I simply cannot wait to read the next book, Wings of the Wicked! :D