I'm a big zombie fan, so when I first saw Pride and Prejudice and Zombies in a book store a couple of years ago, I knew I had to have it! I absolutely loved how the zombie storyline was woven into Jane Austen's words. It was beautiful, and zombielicious! Since then I have read the prequel, Dawn of the Dreadfuls, and now the sequel, Dreadfully Ever After, both of these were written by Steve Hockensmith, but P&P&Z wasn't. I thought he did a fantastic job at making the prequel and sequel mesh with P&P&Z! I loved Dawn of the Dreadfuls, where you get to see the Bennet sisters being trained by their first master, Geoffrey Hawksworth, there's a crazy doctor dude, and you see the dreadfuls return to England. If you decide to read Dreadfully Ever After, I suggest you read Dawn of the Dreadfuls and Pride and Prejudice and Zombies beforehand! You definitely don't want to miss them! :DNow onto Dreadfully Ever After!I absolutely loved it! Since Jane Austen never wrote a prequel or sequel, Dawn of the Dreadfuls and Dreadfully Ever After are completely Steve Hockensmith's work, and while most of the characters are from Pride and Prejudice of course, Steve also introduces his own characters. His characters are just plain awesome, he has masters of the deadly arts, and soldiers who are basically stumps because of the bites they sustained while fighting unmentionables (zombies, it is improper for one to call them zombies), he has Scottish doctor dudes, and a guy named Bunny! All of these characters were nothing like the ones that you would have seen in a Jane Austen novel, yet they totally fit right in with Austen's characters, who make pretty awesome slayers of the undead!These books are entertaining, hilarious, action-packed, and surprising fast-paced! I say surprising because personally, classics or books written with that kind of writing style usually take me a while to read, but I just fly through these ones...that might be because of the zombies though! I also love that these books have illustrations! Seriously,who doesn't love pictures?! Right? :DI recommend Dreadfully Ever After, and the previous two books, to anyone who wants to read something that will make them laugh, and to anyone in need of some action in their life! Jane Austen fans, who like to read modern twists on their favourite classics, would also love it! And if you love zombies, you should definitely check these books out! But beware...they are not for the squeamish! ;P